Sophie Coryndon – Strawberry Crown – Tawny Red – Mutka Silk
Code - SBC003
Designed in collaboration with the artist Sophie Coryndon, the artwork for Strawberry Crown began with a mutual and long-standing appreciation of a magical 18th century silk cut velvet in the Queen’s bedchamber at Ham House. Based on a Genoese design and possibly woven in Spitalfields, the original design has an abundance that Sophie has thoughtfully translated through her own artwork into an exuberant and exotic design. It is hand screen printed and is suitable for upholstery, loose covers and curtains.
While the colourways Strawberry and Belladonna have been designed with examples of Spitalfields silk in mind, Vermeer Blue takes its inspiration from a favourite delft lamp base of Lulu’s, while Tawny Red is reminiscent of the reds found in an 18th century Indian chintz in Lulu’s archive.
Additional Colours Available (3)